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Jaco Wong, Psithaura

Psithurism — (n.) the sound of wind through trees

“But where danger is, grows./ The saving power also.”
—Friedrich Hölderlin, referenced in Martin Heidegger’s The Question Concerning Technology

Trees and humans have coexisted on this planet for millennia in mutualistic relationships, but in recent times the weakening of humans’ spiritual connection to nature, paired with the over-commodification of natural resources, has led to an imbalance in the global ecosystem; therefore, humans must reconnect to nature in a meaningful way in order to survive. Commissioned by animation artist Evan Tedlock for an interactive installation, Psithaura is a 12-minute atmospheric soundscape scored for 16-part mixed chorus. The installation was exhibited at the University of Southern California (04.2018), Balance-Unbalance in the Netherlands (09.2018), and Consciousness Reframed in Portugal (06.2019). The concert version was performed by Kansas City VITAs Chamber Choir (08.2018) and L.A. Choral Lab (04.2020). Psithaura is a finalist of the Choral Composer Professional Division of the American Prize.