Kyle Armbrust performs Partita for Solo Viola (2019) by Jorge Grossman
deaf rabbit (Autumn Selover, harp; Rachel Peters, violin) performs Glass Shards (2019) by Oswald Huynh
Else, if Else (Nolan Ehlers, percussion; Benjamin Portzen, piano; Zoe Markle, double bass) performs Ebb Tide (2018) by Molly Herron
Émilie Fortin performs Laki (2006, rev. 2011, for trumpet) by Olga Neuwirth
Mockingbird and Magpie (Sarah Grace Graves, voice and Corey Harper-Latkovich, cello) perform November Witch (2018)
Adam Marks performs BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK ON BLACK radical revolutionary rejuvenation within the void (2021, for piano and synthesizer) by New Renaissance Artist, The Honourable Elizabeth A. Baker
Phil Pierick and Kurt Eric Galván perform Pillars (2014, for piano and saxophone) by Osnat Netzer
Ruud Roelofsen performs For flute or piano or mandolin or percussion or… (2017) by Bart de Vrees
Xin (Andrés Guadarrama and Angel Florido, electric bass) perform La quemadura es el lenguaje con que juro, manos abiertas sobre el hielo (2018) by Andrés Guadarrama
Viola Yip performs Bulbble (2019) for electro-mechanical DIY instrument with lightbulbs and relays.